it’s not about hair, but it is really

it’s not about hair, but it is really

since before he was even born, jakes been around hairdressing. 

and for as long as i can remember he’s loved hair expo, crazy colours and hair products

he’s been on the road with me most school holidays since he was 5, and one of the famous quotes from him was “everyone loves argan mum”

he is my life, and my drive behind continuing to drive Boutique, maybe one day he will take over from me when i’m old and grey…already am right? 

most of my long term clients know him, and have watched him grow from a cute wee button into the beautiful young man he is today…

which brings me to my blog- i don’t talk about my personal journey much, but today i write this blog from Adelaide.

jake developed scoliosis 3 years ago, and we have tried for 3 years to avoid surgery, but can’t any longer.

tomorrow my beautiful son goes to hospital for a spinal operation in the hope that it will give him back a normal life, with better quality.

as a mum i am absolutely shitting myself, and i know he’s feeling the same. 

i won’t be back on the road for a while, but will keep in contact with you all on my regular run days to make sure you are all travelling well.

hug your kids tight, and make the most of every moment with them, and please, check their spines every now and then, just getting them to bend over is a good indicator- schools should still do this like they used to.

a big thank you to everyone who’s reached out and offered support, you guys really are my family, and i appreciate every thought, prayer and hug that you offer.

i’ll keep you all posted on how it goes, 

take care for now,

kylie x